Pak-Lite is a LED flashlight that snaps to a 9 Volt Battery, and will last up to 1200 hours! At just 1.5 oz it fits right in your pocket!
We (The Henry Family) live off-grid in the mountains of Southern Oregon on 20 acres with 2 year round creeks. We generate our own electricity by hydro and solar power, and build the Pak-Lites right here.
The Pak-Lite story began when our oldest son, Barclay (20 yrs.) decided to hike the entire Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) from Mexico to Canada (2600 miles). He asked his younger brother, Benjamin (15 yrs.) to make him a small, lightweight flashlight, that would last the whole trip, without carrying extra batteries or bulbs. Pak-Lite is the result! Benjamin wrote the Patent himself, and it blossomed into our family business.